Monday, March 21, 2011

Some softball related photos

Hi all,

After my Hawaiian experience pictures, I thought I'd add some softball specific photos, seeing that is what I am here for :-)

This first picture is a pic of our home stadium.

This pic is of the home run fence of our baseball field, right next door.

This is a pic of the TV field at Disney.  In the background is the main baseball field where the Atalanta Braves have their Spring Training this year.  They were playing there whilst we were there.

This is when we were playing at the University of Virginia.  They have about 35,000 students.  We have 4,100.  Their school is famous for many doctors and lawyers graduating and going on to great careers.  We clean sweeped them in two games.  YET, they managed to be ranked higher than us in the most recent rankings.

A photo of the scoreboard out in Hawaii prior to our game against University of Miami, Ohio.  The player is our second baseman Maggi Margadonna.  A true NJ name if I ever heard one :-)

For those who may be reading from softball Australia or NSW.  You may recognise the pitcher as Kaia Parnaby.  It looks like she is throwing a riseball in this picture.  She pitched really well against us.

I hope you all enjoyed.  As I get more softball related pictures, I will post as I go.


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