Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Good evening,

Was a day off today so there was a lot to take care of.  I now have a US Social Security number so I was able to open a bank account and hand over direct debit details to payroll. Cool.  Tomorrow a University ID card which will allow me to get $3 brekky, $4 lunch and $5 dinners...believe it or not!!!!!  Tonight I also saw a movie called Lincoln Lawyer.  NOt bad but the difference between a good movie and an average movie is definitely how well they are finished.  Unfortunately this one did not finish well.  But better than Battle LA!

We also get back into practice tomorrow, pitching, weights and all round team practice.  All of this takes about 6 hours.  You cannot train any one individual for more than 4 hours per day under NCAA rules.  Games do not count.  So for example I will work with a pitcher from 1230 to 2pm, then she has weights at 2.30pm for 30 mins and then if team practice goes for more than 2 hours, she has to leave.  This happened on Monday.  We are currently working back up to playing again after the Spring Break.  A double header at home on Friday to Cornell and a double header at home against Hampton on Saturday.

So when we were training on Monday, the baseball team was also training.  During our previous home games I had notice an over abundance of country music which I found overly disturbing.  However I feel I can say I have now heard it all.  Blarring over the baseball stadium speakers was a song whose lyrics went something like "My girlfriend loves my tractor, she thinks it's sexy". WOW.  Redneck music if I have ever heard it!  Farmville is in country Virginia.

Nice little town but someone please save me from this music hell!


1 comment:

  1. I can email you the single as an attachment if you want.
